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  • Writer's pictureJohn Sjoblom CPRW

Obsolete Resume Stuff

Updated: Dec 20, 2022

There are things you might still have on your resume which are obsolete. They date the resume and make it less effective.

Home Phone Numbers. Use one phone number on your resume. Leave off the home phone and go with a number that will always reach you. Chances are it will be you cell phone.

An Objective. Your objective is to get a job. Adding the generic objective at the start of the resume is a waste of space and an insult to the potential employer’s intelligence.

Religious and Political Affiliations. Unless you are specifically applying for a political position or a job with a religious organization, it is wise to leave this sort of personal information off your resume. No need to open yourself up to possible bias or prejudice at any phrase of the hiring process. It only takes one person’s opinion to send your resume into the trash.

Personal Information. This one is a little dicey. Some personal information can be a conversation starter and help you secure an interview. Most personal information is a distraction and wasted space on the resume. Use some common sense and figure out if it is an asset or liability.

Really Old Jobs or Positions that have nothing to do with the position you are applying for. Most resumes should go back ten years. It's great to show an uninterrupted employment timeline, but leave off part time jobs if they are not relevant. Its okay to go back further is it enhances your qualifications, but be careful to not go back too far and date yourself.

Obsolete software skills. Go with software skills currently in demand with employers. Old skills for software nobody uses anymore just dates you. There’s a whole new generation of managers who think spreadsheets started with MS Excel. So skip the Lotus 123.

References available on request. Employers already know you will supply references if they ask. Go ahead and secure some reliable references and be ready if the interviewer request them.

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